Software > N.A.N.Y. 2013
NANY 2013: Coders have until jan 1,2013 (forum time aka CST) to post releases
Fellow coders, you have until the clock turns to january 1st, 2013 according to forum time (central standard time), to post a publicly accessible version of your NANY apps.
You are free to release updates after that, but you should have a publicly useable stable version of your software up by then.
Good luck in your final hours!
I totally didn't make it. Starting ~30 hours before the deadline really is a little bit too late. :P The stuff I have right now is more of a Proof of Concept than a proper NANY submission, so I'm afraid it'll stay hidden. I'm sorry to have gotten your hopes up a little bit back in IRC, mouser. :D
I might do a late normal release later this year. Or in one month from now. Whenever it's ready. NAMY. (New Apps for the Mid Year); I'm totally starting a new cooler party. :Thmbsup:
That's ok.
ps. people probably have another 12-24 hours or so before the NANY write up if they want to tweak their entries.
This is kind of one of the reasons that I tend to just "Submit" an application rather than try to promise one... I'm always scared that something will suck up my time and stop me from releasing, and I'll end up with vapourware, and very embarassed.
If I were to come up with a moniker for my releases this year, I'd say "1 brain cell required - not 2"! ;D
Yeah... I got the one done... but the other I still have a bit to finish :) Holidays call for procrastination!
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