Software > Seedling's Software
Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
that's strange -- because it handled the "Gould" search fine, yet Gould only appears in the ALBUM field (unless it also checks for filename - as "gould" is there too).-parpfish (December 17, 2007, 04:40 PM)
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yeah, the way it works is it looks in the concatenated 'song title' text (which consists of artist and title BUT if there is no tag present to fill this info, it reverts to a locating the text in the filename)
The biggest hitch re. the results was where there was more than one Keyword Search term. Unless I got the delimiter wrong (used a comma) it seemed to ignore the second term (see results).
See for example the 'Velvet Underground, Debussy' keyword search results.
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what is probably happening here is that you're putting a space in between the comma and the word. as the code is written now a proper keyword search term would be 'Velvet Underground,Debussy' NOT 'Velvet Underground, Debussy'
i'll have to write some sort of trim-space-between-delimiter code to filter out the natural instinct of placing spaces between commas.
By the way, does the program concatenate the metafields into a string and then search that string -- or am I way off?
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not really, the song (or file) is stored into a memory structure which holds (separately) all info about that file.
Also something I couldn't figure, was the method behind the search. Does it allow for Boolean AND/OR and "containers" (i.e. search ALL FIELDS containing: [Bach AND "C Minor"] OR ["Velvet Underground"] Thus finding matches for both "Bach pieces in C Minor" and "The Velvet Underground").
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it's really a simple match finder. it looks merely to see if a given keyword is found in any part of the 'song name' (artist/title) OR filename. if exact word method is applied it looks for common characters before and after the found word to determine if it's a standalone word. but to answer your question more directly, ALL keywords are tested against the picked song. (i.e. even if you have 100 keywords, it'll try all of those keywords until a match is found or the keywords are exhausted)
I have no idea a) if it can do this already, or b) whether that is hard to impliment.
But it strikes me that if it were to allow for a "Boolean logical search" in all text fields that would be pretty powerful and flexible! The user would be able to pretty much control the degree of a) Certainty (MUST HAVE), b) Bias (KEYWORD with Filters) and c) Randomness - which, I would have thought would cater for pretty much everyone.
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well, in a way the app already does this when it tries to allow a file through its filters.
the point of writing this (in the very beginning) was to search directories and fill up a playlist completely at random. then i started playing with filtering those randomly chosen picks with user-defined limits (such as genre, time allowed, etc). i just kept adding more and more filter-features in order to assure that you'd get the 'type' of playlist you wanted in the end. and while this may not be as powerful as a structured database query engine or anything, it gets the job done by just not allowing randomly picked songs into your list unless they meet the criteria setup by the user.
i guess i could tweak the inner workings of the app to allow for these exact types of setups, but again, when using the app the way YOU want to use it, you can pretty much acheive the kind of outcome you want.
Not quite sure what "exception" you're referring to?
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hehe, it's just a write access error that pops up every now and then when creating a list. not sure what's causing it (just a bug)
Thanks again for all of your interest and both positive AND critical notes on this thing. I'll keep working on it as long as there is a demand for it.
what is probably happening here is that you're putting a space in between the comma and the word. as the code is written now a proper keyword search term would be 'Velvet Underground,Debussy' NOT 'Velvet Underground, Debussy'
i'll have to write some sort of trim-space-between-delimiter code to filter out the natural instinct of placing spaces between commas.
-seedling (December 17, 2007, 06:56 PM)
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Ah! That's solved the major problem I was having -- that explains the bulk of the test results that weren't spot on! Cool, thanks for that.
Have just been running it and it's excellent. So, thanks again -- I'm sure to use RMTM loads - so if any bugs or weirdness crops up I'll let you know.
Have a great Xmas!
I was looking for a randomizer for long time. No software randomizes enough for me and I hate shuffling. I never listen 1 full album, I am all for random mode. i am very excited to try it now. I will let you know
First of all I wanted to deeply thank you for this program, I had been unsuccesfully looking for something like it for months and finally had to do some of my CDs just picking songs with my eyes closed :huh: and the results were really disappointing
The program has much more options than I had hoped for, but I'd like to suggest another one. I have no idea of programming so perhaps what I say needs a lot of rewritting or something :-[
Would there be any way in wich you could tell the program to sort ALL your songs in as many playlists as necessary, each one limited by lenght or size? I find that if I want to record ALL my music into musical CDs or mp3 CDs I have to keep adding the previous playlist to the black list and shuffling again...
This way I could say: "sort all of them", and the program could come with the exact number of CDs I need...
I don't know if you get me...
Another minor improvement would be to add something like an "at least" option, the contrary of the redundancy control, to make sure your compilation comes with a minimum number of songs by one author (with the "must have" you have to pick the exact song, you can't pick just an author and let the program decide the songs... or if you can I don't know how and would be glad to learn)
Thanks again for this great program, I found it yesterday and have been recording perfectly shuffled CDs all day long...
'sort all' and 'minimum by artist' features sounds good. when i get some time i'll add these.
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