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[Bug] Menu displaying

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Does it happen with right-click too or just left-click?  Does it happen with any other programs?

Do the old menus that are shown actually "work" -- that is, can you click items on them? Or are they just graphics artifacts left on screen?
-mouser (December 17, 2012, 05:02 AM)
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I don't click any mouse button. I press the hotkey for the menu, move the mouse and press the hotkey again, move the mouse again and so on.

This bug occurs in Notepad++, Notepad, WordPad, Word, Firefox,... seems to occur in every program.

The old menus are not clickable, but strangely they react to the hotkey for showing/hiding the menu.

Ah I understand now!
You are repeatedly pressing the HOTKEY to show the quick paste menu.. I thought you were bringing up the tray icon menu.

Ok I can reproduce this now.  I will fix -- though it's not really a problem per se, it is disconcerting.

Ah I understand now!
You are repeatedly pressing the HOTKEY to show the quick paste menu.. I thought you were bringing up the tray icon menu.

Ok I can reproduce this now.  I will fix -- though it's not really a problem per se, it is disconcerting.
-mouser (December 17, 2012, 05:44 AM)
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OK, thank you! :)

You are repeatedly pressing the HOTKEY to show the quick paste menu.. I thought you were bringing up the tray icon menu.

Ok I can reproduce this now.  I will fix -- though it's not really a problem per se, it is disconcerting.
-mouser (December 17, 2012, 05:44 AM)
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The tray icon menu is another thing. On my Vista system, if I right-click on the tray icon the menu appears briefly where I'd expect -- above the notification area -- then leaps up 1/3 of the screen so it's approximately vertically centred. It's been doing it for a while, it's most disconcerting, but it doesn't do it on the XP or 7 machines I use. Have I set an obscure option that I shouldn't have? I don't think this USED to happen... :huh:

Strange.. anyone else notice this?


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