Software > N.A.N.Y. 2013
NANY 2013 Release - ClueMeIn, a logic / math puzzle game
Application NameClueMeInVersion0.1Short DescriptionA simple Sudoku-like logic puzzle game with some mathSupported OSesAnything that runs Java and has 640x480 or greater screenSetup File [url=]ClueMeIn!System RequirementsVery littleAuthor InfotimnsDescriptionSharpen your brain by using both deductive skills, logic and simple mental arithmetic to solve the puzzle from the clues presented.
All puzzles can be solved without guesswork.
FeaturesSmall game area, simple to learn, ideal for a coffee breakScreenshotsNANY 2013 Release - ClueMeIn, a logic / math puzzle game
InstallationNo installation requiredUsing the applicationMouse only. Left or Right click to remove tiles according to the rules shown, until the grid is filled with each of the numbers 1 through 9, exactly once.
x < y means that the number represented by x is in a column to the LEFT of the number represented by y
x ^ y means that the number represented by x is in a row ABOVE the number represented by y
The numbers in at the end of each row and the bottom of each column are the SUM of the three correct numbers across or down respectively.
UninstallingDelete the shortcut
Known IssuesDoes not respond to every mouse click
Tim with a new logic puzzle game!!!!!!!!
For those of you who weren't around for past NANY's, Tim has made some very cool puzzle games for us before, like:
* CluGrid
* Deductoid
Thank you very much!
You knew I couldn't resist another NANY ;) - it's lured me out of the woodwork at last.
it's lured me out of the woodwork at last
-timns (November 29, 2012, 05:14 PM)
--- End quote ---
Trying to worm your way back into our affections?
Looking forward to your entry.
(I can count to 21!)
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