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Screenshot Captor v3.13 Beta Test

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There's a new beta of Screenshot Captor available for brave beta testers, with some early versions of a couple of big features that I will be developing further in the coming weeks.


And you'll also need to grab and install the new version of my new Easy Screencast Recorder tool which is not yet official:

Once you install both, you will see the Easy Screencast Recorder entry in the Tools menu; recording videos with it will put them in your screenshot folder where you can select them, etc.

And you will see in the View Menu an option to show the Quick Capture Toolbar, which can be docked out of the way at the top or bottom of your monitor.

Full change list:

v3.13.01 - Nov 28, 2012

* [MajorFeature] Preliminary support for playing video files and extracting frames from them; and integration with Easy Screencast Recorder.
* [MajorFeature] First draft of new (optional) onscreen quick capture bar.  The look+feel of this will change dramatically in future versions.
* [MinorFeature] Will now autodetect and work with SharexMod in addition to ShareX (they are based on same codebase and the differences are not super clear).
* [InterfaceChange] New hierarchical organization of options dialog.
* [BugFix] When capturing the active window and main form was visible, SC sometimes failed to properly grab it; SC now does a better job of grabbing last active window, with less delay in reactivating it.
* [BugFix] Scrolling capture dialog could hide behind main window.
* [MinorImprovement] Scrolling capture dialog now has help button that links to online scrolling capture tutorial video.
* [Improvement] Small performance improvement in dragging selection (can still be slow to update tweaking selection size when zoomed out and resize filter is enabled).
* [BugFix] Scrolling the clipart (or frame) thumbnail panel very quickly could result in error about "List Index Out of Bounds".
* [Feature] Added new %numinc% field with a resetable persistent counter in options (see File Naming Template tab).
* [BugFix] Zoom and Navigation panel could be inadvertently scaled by mouse wheel.
* [BugFix] Minor spelling errors on tooltip hints corrected.
* [MinorChange] Ctrl+A now should work in comment memo to select all text.

The two main features are that SC can now load video files and easily let you extract frames and mark up from them, and the new optional Quick Capture toolbar.

The Quick Capture Toolbar is going to be completely revised and changed so this is just a preview of the idea.

I have a few more big major changes that are coming soon too, so this is just an early teaser.

I have downloaded the beta versions and I'll let you know how I get on.  However, I currently don't have any need of the video functionality but it sounds good.

There's a new beta of Screenshot Captor available for brave beta testers, with some early versions of a couple of big features that I will be developing further in the coming weeks.
The two main features are that SC can now load video files and easily let you extract frames and mark up from them, ...
-mouser (November 27, 2012, 11:06 PM)
--- End quote ---

Ya know, that might be a sleeper killer feature. I can imagine if you're shooting otherwise amateur video but you get about 2 seconds of perfection, then you extract a pic of much greater quality than the whole vid. I am thinking both of the "smiling baby" crowd and maybe the speed-run gamer crowd where you capture the key instant of jumping your character exactly through the gap in the dragon's teeth or whatever.

I recommend if you want to use my Easy Screencast Recorder that you install a free lossless codec that is optimized for screen recording:

* MSU Screen Capture Lossless Codec:

You can find the discussion thread for Easy Screencast Recorder here:

Remember it's still an early beta.


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