Software > Screenshot Captor
Best Imgur uploader?
Does anyone know of an uploader for sending from SSC to Imgur, that is non-intrusive?
I'd like it to send the screenshot, put the url on the clipboard, then unload itself.
That would require the use of the Imgur API, which, for low usage, is free, but not so much if you need more upload tokens.
The anonymous API lets you upload images, get site statistics, get information on images, and read the images from the gallery. Anonymous API users get 500 API credits per hour, which is equal to 50 uploads per hour. If you don't want to upload images into your account, and you're ok with the 50 uploads per hour limit, then the anonymous API might be for you.
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Although...SSC wouldnt expect to make over $500/month (I don't imagine), so I dont think it would infringe on the commercial usage at all)...but 50 uploads per hour might be a little low, unless you create it as a plugin, and configure it with your own API key.
any imgur uploader that works by adding an item to the right click menu will work in sc.
sharex also supports imgur and sc has built-in support for uploading files via sharex to lots of sites like imgur.
having said all that,
i have been working on 3-4 big new features for sc, and on that list is better support for a variety of uploader addons.
Thanks for the replies. I actually have been using Iamhrh's tool... It's pretty fast. Too bad you have to click to get the link, then click again to close it... It's okay though. Still pretty convenient.
And no, I don't do 50 per hough :D I probably don't do 50 in a year! ;D
Nono, what I mean is, the developer API key only allows for a TOTAL of 50 uploads per hour through that application...100 if its a authenticated key, 200 if its authenticated with a pro account.
Not sure how many the commercial app one gets.
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