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Why did it never occur to me.. You can wash a keyboard in water.
Nope, it had to be Mitch, so you must be mistaken. I am a Comedy Junkie.
-robinsiebler (December 13, 2012, 02:38 PM)
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"That's a joke, I say, that's a joke, son."
Foghorn Leghorn
-MilesAhead (December 13, 2012, 03:23 PM)
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Foghorn is so my favorite character from Looney toons. He is such a bastard. I love him.
Foghorn Leghorn
-superboyac (December 14, 2012, 03:46 PM)
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Foghorn is so my favorite character from Looney toons. He is such a bastard. I love him.
Heh heh. I don't know if I could pick one. But I do have to admit in some ways I envy Snuffles from Quick Draw McGraw.
As long as he's in doggie bisquits, he don't need nuthin' else.
^^^ ;D ;D ;D
That's hilarious. wtf is that? I gotta check that out...
^Snuffles - a Hannah-Barbera character. Ultimate tracking hound so long as you fed his biscuit jones.
I personally think they borrowed the concept from a Max Fleischer character known as Eugene the Jeep. The Jeep was also a marvelous tracking "dog" which could walk through walls and other barriers since it was actually a 4th dimensional creature that manifested in our time-space continuum as something that vaguely resembled an odd-looking yellow dog. It ate orchids exclusively - and had to be paid with a bowl of them to eat at the completion of its assignments.
In the August 9, 1936, strip, headlined "Wha's a Jeep?" Popeye asks Professor Brainstine what exactly a Jeep is. He gets the following response:
“ A Jeep is an animal living in a three dimensional world—in this case our world—but really belonging to a fourth dimensional world. Here's what happened. A number of Jeep life cells were somehow forced through the dimensional barrier into our world. They combined at a favorable time with free life cells of the African Hooey Hound. The electrical vibrations of the Hooey Hound cell and the foreign cell were the same. They were kindred cells. In fact, all things are, to some extent, relative, whether they be of this or some other world, now you see. The extremely favorable conditions of germination in Africa caused a fusion of these life cells. So the uniting of kindred cells caused a transmutation. The result, a mysterious strange animal. ”
When asked if he had any further questions, Popeye, totally unenlightened by this explanation, repeated, "Wha's a Jeep?"
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Why did it never occur to me.. You can wash a keyboard in water.
Like he said, WHAT"S A JEEP????
In the old cartoons with the real animation they slyly inserted some stuff to keep the adults amused. I guess because it's reaction to food they could get away with the Snuffles routine. But if Snuffles isn't having an orgasm I don't know what he's doing!!! I remember one WB cartoon where Daffy Duck is selling insurance door to door. He figures to rip off Porky Pig. Something happens to Porky's tree house that should be covered by the policy. Daffy quickly points out that according to the fine print Porky is only covered for that if it's Feb. 30, a herd of elephants tromp through the tree house, and 6 or 7 other stipulations. Of course as soon as he says that, the calender flips to Feb. 30, the elephants storm through the tree house, and the 6 or 7 other unlikely events happen so that Daffy has to pay up. I'm sure no kids under 12 had a clue, but it was amusing to watch as an adult. :)
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