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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Why did it never occur to me.. You can wash a keyboard in water.

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I prefer to take mine to the local stream where the village women do their laundry. I dip it in the current a few times, then pound it on a rock to extract the excess water.  :)

-MilesAhead (November 23, 2012, 09:20 PM)
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No, no, no, no!  I said steam clean it!

Heh heh.  What a guy! Always tongue in creek. :)

(To Renny minus quotes because this is from my phone)
I get the edgy 'thang about your post but it's a profound economic puzzle. Besides the value if time, remember to include the risk of mistake damage. To me if I can't just wipe it down with Lysol wipes and paperclips, I lose a lot of confidence taking the whole thing apart etc.

Weren't we saying you have to wait *days* before you can use it again? So ... what ... I now need a backup keyboard for a week while I wait for the $30 one, only to find I messed it up anyway and now I need a new $30 one?

Bleh. *That's* the full cost matrix of these cute little projects ... for a $30 keyboard. (I'll leave the equations to my betters. Extra credit variables : pets, children (file under pets! Hehe) )

not at all wanting to be smug (I swear) - I always have a backup keyboard - either an old one or a cheap (10 euro) new one.

* tom roots under the desk where did I store the fecking thing ...

edit/ found it :p

One of the benefits of using a kvma switch(which helps to offset some of the pita aspects) is that purchase of a new tower yields yet another backup mouse and keyboard. Unfortunately the mouse is usually a new fangled shape not as comfortable as the old. The keyboard doesn't have as solid a feel. So I have to hope the ones I'm accustomed to keep on working. I've worn the paint off the left mouse button and can look through the clear plastic. I'd say it's definitely broken in. :)

I use Black & Decker battery vac to clean the keyboard. Occasionally a Q-Tip moistened with alcohol. I'm fastidious as it is. I only have coffee at the desk and wash my hands unless they are clean and dry, before typing.  No ham sandwiches with mustard here. :)


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