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Keyboard shortcut of the day

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I'm left-handed and am usually drawing with the mouse and trying to hit a Ctrl+Otherkey shortcut and I catch the corner of the apps key - then, using the keyboard, I would have to leave the mouse to hit escape, or hit it with my right hand, both of which are a pain, especially if it keeps happening.
-tomos (November 27, 2012, 05:45 AM)
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I'm not left-handed, but I use a trackball with that hand -- and as a trackball stays put, it turns out I can reach the Escape key with my left thumb :)

For a long time I had the apps key 'converted' to the Control key but I missed it in other software - actually that was how I came across dc, trying to find out how to do that.

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I find that Control+Escape has served me well over the years -- I wonder if it does anything in Windows 8...

Shift+Insert is the same as Ctrl-V (Paste)
-Deozaan (November 26, 2012, 03:22 AM)
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I have found this one to be helpful in multi-platform contexts  :up:
-ewemoa (November 26, 2012, 05:55 PM)
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Don't forget the Ctrl + Ins to 'Copy'

There's one for 'Cut' too but I forget!

There's one for 'Cut' too but I forget!
-keithy397 (November 29, 2012, 02:36 AM)
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Shift + Del

Just found that the Paste, Copy, and Cut ones appear to be via:

May be there are some other things worth knowing there too...

There's one for 'Cut' too but I forget!
-keithy397 (November 29, 2012, 02:36 AM)
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Shift + Del
-Giampy (November 29, 2012, 06:09 AM)
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Of course! Cheers


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