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A secret society uncovered 250 years later

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Stuff like StoneHenge.
-MilesAhead (November 20, 2012, 12:12 AM)
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Check out what one guy does up in Michigan:

Of course a lot more was necessary for Stonehenge (the stone was quarried and transported a long distance from the site, and the placement was apparently quite precise and particular).  But still, after seeing what one guy can do with 'sticks and stones', it makes Stonehenge seem a lot less 'impossible'.

I had an uncle and a grandfather that were both Masons.  When asked about what they did and what went on in the meetings, I was told that they couldn't tell me.  All spooky stuff to me.....-Tinman57 (November 19, 2012, 08:16 PM)
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They do massive amounts of DMT to communicate with their alien overlords - THEN they get massively wasted and party on with strippers and catholic altarboys.

From the article:
The Oculists’ seal, featuring a cataract needle, a pair of pince-nez, and two cats watching over mice.
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One of my most prized finds as a young'un before I lost interest in such things, was the fact that some California new age house had reprinted the until-then ultra-obscure Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine pair of texts by H. P. Blavatsky in about 1990.
-TaoPhoenix (November 19, 2012, 07:03 PM)
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That is seriously dark stuff, and a very deep rabbit hole.

Science wasn't in great shape in 1875-1890, but neither was it complete hocum either.
-TaoPhoenix (November 19, 2012, 07:03 PM)
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Now that you mention that time period... ;) (Parroting here as I'm still working to understand this stuff... It's bloody tough. I'm also glossing over a LOT.)

In 1865 a fellow named Maxwell published a paper that formally initiated electrodynamics. 20 quaternion equations with 20 variables.

In 1873 he published a treatise.

His work was understood by few because of the difficulty in understanding Hamilton's quaternions. A few dozen people worldwide.

Under heavy pressure, Maxwell simplified it, and that was published in 1881, 2 years after his early death in 1879.

The Maxwell-Heaviside equations were a result of work to simplify even more. Vector algebra was used.

However, the simplifications in the mathematics created a situation where you ended up with closed loops and symmetric flow of energy. This results in zero sums, which neatly matches the laws of thermodynamics - discrepencies are brushed aside and dismissed.

Using the orignal mathematics, instead you have asymmetric flow. These systems allow for a Coefficient of Performance (COP) greater than 1 (COP > 1), and even COP = infinity. (There's a lot to understand there, and I've glossed over a massive amount. I wouldn't even want to try to explain it right now. I can read & understand most, but not quite 'there' yet.)

This has profound consequences for the laws of thermodynamics, and basically renders the 2nd law of thermodynamics, let's just say, "not quite right".

The practical upshot is that you can free EM energy from the vacuum through asymmetrical re-gauging.

Nicola Tesla said that this, what I'll call a "cover up" (just to be a bit sensationalistic), 'is one of the most inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind that thas ever been recorded in history.'

Now, how's that for some fun conspiracy theory where you can go out and verify everything yourself. ;)

(I'm still reading on this stuff, and expect it to take me a while.)

For the "Illuminati", fascinating topic. Lots of interesting stuff out there. Fritz Springmeier is considered the "go to" guy for info.

Another interesting fellow is Linsey Williams, though he uses the term "elite". Not sure if it's all synonymous or what.

Regarding the Federal Reserve... They're criminals. Here's a quick, introductory primer to their primary tool of destruction:

The last part has links to more resources.

For some very good info, check out Lew Rockwell or any of the other thousands of sites/people out there that explain exactly why/how/that the Fed is a private bank, etc. etc.

Or, you could just read what the Fed has to say, or listen to the people that head up the Fed when they say that it is a private institution and not under the authority of the US govt.

Started by the Illuminati or not - they are what they are: Destructive criminals.

Another thing H2 channel loves to carp on is aliens. Supposedly they levitated huge stones to erect buildings beyond the technology of humans. Stuff like StoneHenge.  They speculate the high priests of ancient cultures knew how to communicate telepathically with the "gods" who were really the technologically advanced aliens etc..  They posit the question, will the aliens return?

What I want to know is, how do we know they ever left?  Think about it! With all the weird looking life slithering, walking, swimming, flying around on this planet, if some of them were aliens, how would you know?

The scene is a human being reclining on his front porch. On the wall are a couple of chameleons hanging sideways just watching the guy.  One chameleon thinks to the other "just don't talk to them. They're so stupid they'll never catch on unless you walk right up and introduce yourself."
-MilesAhead (November 20, 2012, 12:12 AM)
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Fun stuff~! ;D

For "the reptilian agenda" stuff, check out Credo Mutwa and David Icke. Interesting. (Oddly enough, it fits in with some non-mainstream scientific views. -- DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER!!!)

Lots of fun stuff out there about aliens and gods and pyramids and all kinds of niftiness! Check out the UFO TV Studios channel on YouTube for lots of interesting stuff.

For the code cracking stuff... Got to hand props to the fellow for managing that. Cryptography/steganography/whatever is not easy stuff.

From the article:
The Oculists’ seal, featuring a cataract needle, a pair of pince-nez, and two cats watching over mice.
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-mouser (November 20, 2012, 05:22 AM)
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The funny thing about this is bit about the Oculists having agents in the Freemasons, and treating them like a joke. ;D


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