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It's about ... the clock (mouser)

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Hm... the offset appears to be from server time, not (the assumed usual) GMT. While my board time is correct I'm only using an offset of 1. I'm EST(/DST) vs. the server's local CST (e.g. +1 off). But normally I should be using GMT -5 to get the correct time.
-Stoic Joker (November 16, 2012, 06:38 AM)
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Ah - yes. That is correct. I'd simply assumed the server time, and not GMT. That could be the confusion there.

i.e. You input your OFFSET (as in the label) and not your GMT timezone offset. As you can see, mine there is 17, and not 10 for GMT +10.

You made the mistake of thinking that CST stood for "Central Standard Time", which is an honest mistake.

What mouser really meant was "Cody Space Time".  :D

Even Cody Space Time can't compensate for an underclocked brain and an overclocked laptop  :o :P.

Turns out the problem had nothing to do with DC config.  A distant nephew - the underclocked brain - overclocked the CPU on his Toshiba laptop.  It was giving several strange presentations before it left a burn scar on his desktop  :P.  It smoked while I was visiting, shortly after the original post for this thread.  He is now bereft of Internet communication, but is eagerly awaiting a new laptop - which he intends to overclock, as well.  As noted, his is an underclocked brain  :P :P :P.


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