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Nokia Purity HD Wired WH-930 by Monster On-Ear Headphones.
I found these (used/discarded) headphones last Sunday. They are rather good!
Usually, I donate found stuff to local charity op-shops, but I think I shall keep these, as I coincidentally needed another pair of headphones.
Nokia Purity HD Wired WH-930 by Monster On-Ear Headphones.-IainB (October 17, 2017, 10:51 PM)
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Look pretty much like the MEE Audio AF65 Touch headphones I have ... except yours have a wire :P
Nokia Purity HD Wired WH-930 by Monster On-Ear Headphones.
-IainB (October 17, 2017, 10:51 PM)
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Look pretty much like the MEE Audio AF65 Touch headphones I have ... except yours have a wire :P
-4wd (October 18, 2017, 04:03 AM)
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Crikey, yes, so they do - in fact, from the close-ups, the design of the MEE Audio AF65 Touch look almost identical, barring the rounded-hole ear-pads.
The close-ups seems to indicate that the ear-pads are probably still made/fitted in the same rubbish way though - i.e., glued-on to a fabric backplate, which is itself glued-on to the plastic of the headset. However, they might last a while longer, because, by going for a perforated design for the ear-pads, they look as though they might have avoided the perishable seam (weakness/defect) of the rounded-hole ear-pad design of the Monster headphones.
I noticed that that rather sturdy Monster style of "my" headphones seemed to occur in quite a lot of variants of Nokia-Monster headphones/headsets, and most/all pictures I saw seemed to indicate that they had been made with the defective (rounded-hole) ear-pads. I presume that the defective ear-pads were why "my" headphones had been discarded - the owner probably didn't have the DIY skills to realise that a quick Heath-Robinson job could fix them up like new.
I'm not complaining. They are nice headphones. New price is/would have been approx. US$40, per Amazon and other shopping sites.
A short-lived satisfaction, unfortunately. I am not able to use them much now, as, after her trying them out last night, my daughter promptly took ownership of them and gave me her old Sony noise-cancelling headphones in return (which are pretty good, but not so sturdy or comfortable). Cheek! :(
Nokia Purity HD Wired WH-930 by Monster On-Ear Headphones.
-IainB (October 17, 2017, 10:51 PM)
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Look pretty much like the MEE Audio AF65 Touch headphones I have ... except yours have a wire :P
-4wd (October 18, 2017, 04:03 AM)
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Crikey, yes, so they do - in fact, from the close-ups, the design of the MEE Audio AF65 Touch look almost identical, barring the rounded-hole ear-pads.
The close-ups seems to indicate that the ear-pads are probably still made/fitted in the same rubbish way though - i.e., glued-on to a fabric backplate, which is itself glued-on to the plastic of the headset. However, they might last a while longer, because, by going for a perforated design for the ear-pads, they look as though they might have avoided the perishable seam (weakness/defect) of the rounded-hole ear-pad design of the Monster headphones.-IainB (October 18, 2017, 06:11 PM)
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Not quite, the AF65's are designed to have replaceable parts, the cushions aren't glued to anything. You can slide them off the plastic carrier and install new ones:
Comfort is excellent, they come with a hard case which is great for travelling, noise isolation is reasonable (not as good as the MEE Audio AF36 Wave I had but this has touch control ... geek factor is high), battery lasts 24 hours, aptX low latency, and they sound great.
Not quite, the AF65's are designed to have replaceable parts, the cushions aren't glued to anything. You can slide them off the plastic carrier and install new ones: ...
-4wd (October 19, 2017, 01:43 AM)
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That sounds like a much improved design. I didn't want to push my luck and detach the fibre and plastic backplate/carriers for the ear-pads, in case I couldn't get them back on again. There definitely seemed to be some permanently tacky glue involved though. Maybe I should take a closer and more "destructive" look.
Did the AF65 come with a spare set of ear-pads? Are those stubby little black pegs on the carrier a friction-fit into the plastic of the headphone?
Hmm... I wonder how much the pads would cost to buy and whether I could retro-fit them to the Monster headphones...
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