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Tips for Windows 8 (got any?)

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I just did a backup with RecImgManager.  Seems cool.  Once I hit the go button I'd say it took about a half hour to complete.  I don't have many programs installed yet.  Only thing is there seems no provision for fixing a system that won't boot.  If things get hosed you have to figure out how to boot windows without erasing the saved image.  But maybe somebody has figured that out.  :)

So far I like it.  Nice and simple.  You want to backup or don't ya'?  If so press the button.  :)

Hmm, looking in the forum there seems to be a lot of questions where the backup just hangs.

If there's no method to get the restore started from a non-booting system then it seems like the value is limited.  Plus I don't know how much faith I'd have in the restore if the backups hang.  Usually it's the restore part that's not robust on these things.  :)

I got EaseUS ToDo Backup.  I created a partition from a slice of C:.  At least I have some backup now.  I have to burn the BootCD still.

RecImgManager looks interesting.  btw are you using it or doing it the old fashioned way?-MilesAhead (December 14, 2013, 08:10 AM)
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If you mean by the old fashoined way, the CLI - then both.  RecImgManager just stops at 27% with 'Backup Failed', the CLI while also stopping at 27% at least gives me the error code.
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Same method as the link Curt gave.

I just did a backup with RecImgManager.  Seems cool.-MilesAhead (December 14, 2013, 10:33 AM)
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AFAICT, it's just a GUI under which it does the call to recimg.exe and then just redisplays the reports, (except for error codes), that recimg gives.

Since it works for you, you might as well check out SlimImage - scheduled, incremental backup. :)

Guess I'll have to stick to Paragon for whole partition images.

EaseUS ToDo I have had good luck with so far.  The Linux BootCD it makes (on v. 5 .. last time I used it) supported both my "fake raid" controller and USB 3.0 card.  No tweaking needed.  When I burn the CD with v. 6 I'll know how good it is for the Laptop.


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