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Tips for Windows 8 (got any?)

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Added to "Tweaks" in post #1

How to disable the edge panels (Charms Bar and Switcher) - this is a registry tweak that disables the edge panels (Charms Bar and Switcher) - but still allows them to be called via hotkey.  (also from
Various Tweak Apps from who seem in general to have a good reputation.

This one (from phitsc) where you have to re-activate the OS
-tomos (November 24, 2012, 12:32 PM)
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It was really easy though. Download. Copy/Paste product key into supplied text file. double-click. Done. The script does everything, including the re-activation.

This one (from phitsc) where you have to re-activate the OS
-tomos (November 24, 2012, 12:32 PM)
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It was really easy though. Download. Copy/Paste product key into supplied text file. double-click. Done. The script does everything, including the re-activation.
-phitsc (November 24, 2012, 01:45 PM)
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this one took a bit more work for me because I have a pre-installed (OEM) Windows 8. The serial number is no longer accessible anywhere. (It's in the bios, but apparently even there it's hidden.)
I came across this little app (*not* a 'tiles' app - the word app is being stolen from us...)
Windows 8 WDP Product Key Viewer´
(My Digital Life forums)

it seemed to have a lot of happy users so I tried it and added the key number to the winaero fix.
Rebooted and, yes :up: it went straight to desktop.

Stoic Joker:
this one took a bit more work for me because I have a pre-installed (OEM) Windows 8. The serial number is no longer accessible anywhere. (It's in the bios, but apparently even there it's hidden.)
I came across this little app (*not* a 'tiles' app - the word app is being stolen from us...)
Windows 8 WDP Product Key Viewer´
(My Digital Life forums)-tomos (November 26, 2012, 12:27 PM)
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Cool little app man, thanks for sharing. But I gotta ask where you got the impression the product key was stored in the BIOS? I've never heard anything about that move, and there is nothing in the pkeyui.exe binaries import list that implies that it is accessing the BIOS to decode the key. I appears to be a straight registry query-->decode process.

But I gotta ask where you got the impression the product key was stored in the BIOS? [...] It appears to be a straight registry query-->decode process.
-Stoic Joker (November 26, 2012, 01:41 PM)
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maybe that's why people couldnt find it in the BIOS :)
It's something that was romoured at least - couldnt tell you where exactly, but I've read it a few places :-\


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