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Creating automatic bookmarks in a pdf

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Not to hijack a thread, but I need something else entirely.  I have been trying to get a script to extract the bookmark, and the pages to the next bookmark, and name them after the bookmark. Like extracting chapters in a book to separate files.
-y0himba (November 15, 2012, 12:58 PM)
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Debenu PDF Maximus might be able to do something close to that. It's not cheap, though it does come up on BitduJour once in a while (I got my copy for zero dollars there).

Split by bookmarks — split files based on bookmark hierarchy
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Not to hijack a thread, but I need something else entirely.  I have been trying to get a script to extract the bookmark, and the pages to the next bookmark, and name them after the bookmark. Like extracting chapters in a book to separate files.
-y0himba (November 15, 2012, 12:58 PM)
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hey I was checking if one of my fav apps Pdfsam could split by bookmarks and yes!
check it out and also Sejda , a commandline/webapp tool from the same developer.

It seems that Nitro (payware) has what you are looking for.
Maybe you can send a pdf to "google drive" and then process that document with an autohotkey script to insert bookmarks according to user-defined keywords..
-kilele (November 15, 2012, 10:27 AM)
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I'll take a look to Nitro.
It's the OCR version ?

dunno ^^
take a look at

dunno ^^
take a look at
-kilele (November 17, 2012, 10:02 AM)
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