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Moving between text edit field and results list using arrow keys

(1/2) > >>

Starting with focus in the text edit field of the main window, pressing the up arrow key here selects the last result in the results.  This is convenient :)

However, once the last result is selected, pressing the down arrow key doesn't move the focus back to the text edit field.  This feels strange/awkward to me.

Any reflections on this?

if you press cursor left key, you return to the text edit field, does that help?

Thanks for the suggestion -- that does seem to work here.

Still think down arrow key would be less awkward :)

He he -- I am slow...just noticed that using the left-arrow key works from any result -- handy :Thmbsup:

good tips, thanks!

However, once the last result is selected, pressing the down arrow key doesn't move the focus back to the text edit field. [...]

Any reflections on this?
-ewemoa (November 13, 2012, 07:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

it would be nice if the down arrow showed any extra results -
if I search for xx and it says 21 results, but is showing only nine,
PgDn will show all results - but only if I press it straight away.
If I e.g. use the up arrow key to get to result #9, I can no longer access the other 12 results -
that's when it would be nice to access those using the down arrow (or PgDn).


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