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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Two classes of membership here?

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Very nice, contro.

nice to get your perspective in your native language ;)

@Contro, nice reading ♥
I hope your psychologist can help you with your XP trauma. hehe ("LOL").

Two classes? Of course!

There is me… and everybody else.

from "about"

The programmers at are dedicated to providing professional quality software and professional quality support. We take seriously the need to solicit donations, and the need to distribute donations to the people who contribute to the website, whether in the form of software, support, or editorial content.
--- End quote ---

I see this working in it's dynamics constantly here.
We all invest a bit of ourselves, with our thoughts, input, or finances,
each as important as the other, separate or combined.
The donations here are not limited, and are treated with respect.
As your donation is, clean.


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