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Two classes of membership here?

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Thank you for such a nice post, Daleus  :-*

Errrrm....mouser our god? WTF?

I thought in all these 6,5 years i'm a member of DonationCoder that mouser is only our WORKHORSE and SERVANT!  ;D  ;D  ;D

I say this and i'm sure my account will not be deleted or the post is censored.  ;D

OOPS! Why has mouser now kick/banned me from the DonationCoder IRC-Channel. CRAP!  ;D

JoTo (a.k.a. the forum clown *LOL*)


>:( do not poke at servants or gods ;D

I don't trust the OP's motive to be clean, he is just trying a new angle to continue his fight against Bartels Media.

By the way, clean, your post on Bits du Jour, the one that was 'censored', it was most likely deleted because it was way too long.

I don't trust the OP's motive to be clean, he is just trying a new angle to continue his fight against Bartels Media.-Curt (November 14, 2012, 08:52 AM)
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I prefer to give the OP the benefit of the doubt since I'm a firm believer in "Innocent until proven guilty" as well as giving everyone enough rope to either climb to the mountaintop - or hang themselves with. ;)

By the way, clean, your post on Bits du Jour, the one that was 'censored', it was most likely deleted because it was way too long.

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That does seem to be the main reason why posts get deleted there. If they ramble, go too far OT, or start getting repetitious, they tend to disappear. Also, if they're excessively negative, or devolve into what could be considered a personal attack, they'll also likely get removed. I don't consider that to be censorship per se. When writing a software review, Joe Friday's iconic "Just the facts, Ma'am" is pretty much the rule in most places.


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