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NANY 2013 PLEDGE - Contractor's Work Log

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hi relipse
I'm trying the website :)

1) When I try to open the timer (clock icon) in a new tab (via the context menu) I just get another instance of the main window.
I dont like popups because I tend to forget them - I use FF with session saver - and if I close the window and the popup is in the back, session saver no longer remembers the tabs in the window I just closed...

2) I'm unable to delete a company - keeps going from the second confirmation dialogue back to the first.

Looks very nice. It doesn't seem to want to accept input in the actual hours field. I'll enter a number, but it always reverts back to 0. I've tried hitting enter and tabbing out of the field but neither seems to work. Editing start and stop times also seems to be a problem. I doubleclick as directed but nothing happens. Probably just something I don't understand how to do.

I'm using Firefox 16.0.2

Likewise with the Price Rate field - I'm unable to change this for a log.
The number remains the same and I get the message:
'no work log found'

I logged out and in again to make sure my work log was really there (it's still there!).

hi relipse
I'm trying the website :)

1) When I try to open the timer (clock icon) in a new tab (via the context menu) I just get another instance of the main window.
I dont like popups because I tend to forget them - I use FF with session saver - and if I close the window and the popup is in the back, session saver no longer remembers the tabs in the window I just closed...

-tomos (November 08, 2012, 06:58 AM)
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Yes, this is due to the onclick="" mechanism. Right now it only works for a pop up window, but allowing it to work in a tab is a good idea. Thanks

2) I'm unable to delete a company - keeps going from the second confirmation dialogue back to the first.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the bug submission, I just indeed fixed this and uploaded a new delete.php. Please try it again

Likewise with the Price Rate field - I'm unable to change this for a log.
The number remains the same and I get the message:
'no work log found'

I logged out and in again to make sure my work log was really there (it's still there!).

-tomos (November 08, 2012, 08:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

Wow, I just check this, this is a serious problem (it doesn't happen on my localhost but it does on for some reason)

Update: This problem has been fixed, i had a captial L in my table name and my windows box didn't detect it, but my linux hosting server did.
Thank you


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