ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Easy Screencast Recorder

LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - Easy Screencast Recorder - v1.17.01 - May 31, 2017

<< < (39/41) > >>

Thank you, Ath. Your advice works.
But it turned out that everything was not as good as it seemed to me earlier.

On my system, a "red solid rectangle" can be obtained by selecting the "Selected Window" capture mode and selecting the entire Desktop as the window.
In all other modes, a red rectangle does not appear.

Would it be possible for you to show me a screenshot of it?


This is a link to a video that demonstrates how the program works on virtual Windows 10 (x64).
On real Windows 8.1 (x64) the program works similarly.

Thanks, Kopejkin.  Looks like one more try is needed to fix the bug.

     what is kludge option? 


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