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Malwarebytes FREE and PRO/Premium - Mini-Review.

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Interesting post about an expected change to the MBM GUI:
A new UI for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in the works | 404 Tech Support

As a relatively long-time user of MBAM, I personally feel that the GUI could well do with some of the improvements being suggested.

The main flaw I find in MBAM now is if I right click a file or folder to scan it and get the Database is out of Date, it doesn't resume the job after I update.  Either that or I don't know how to get it to.  So I've taken to running it, click update if it needs it, close it, right click yadda yadda.  That kind of kills off the convenience factor.  :)

Just posting this as potentially useful information to others:

The Problem was with MBAM Premium/PRO:

* After boot-up, the MBAM.exe process would permanently sit at a high (about 27%) CPU utilisation, even though it was not running a scan or anything. This was on a Toshiba Satellite L855D laptop, with 8GB RAM and AMD A8 Vision and Quad Core. OS is Win8.1-64 PRO.
* Rebooting or tweaking the MBAM Dashboard/Settings seemed to have no effect, so stopping the process seemed to be the only way to stop the high CPU utilisation. Stopping it seemed to cause MBAM to return/respawn with 90% CPU utilisation.
* Uninstalling and then reinstalling MBAM had no effect on this behaviour.
* Stopping Chameleon seemed to have no effect either.
The Fix was:
After reading the MBAM User Forum and finding no post to help me in this, I decided that the best thing do do would probably be to use Malwarebytes' own MBAM Clean Removal Process.

* 1. Download the MBAM Cleaner tool - mbam-clean- from here.
* 2. Download the latest version of MBAM.
* 3. Go offline (just in case).
* 4. Execute the MBAM Cleaner tool. It will then Restart the PC. This also removes all logs, Registry entries, and other vestigial traces of MBAM.
* 5. Execute the install for the latest version of MBAM (downloaded at Step 2). Untick the "Trial" selector.
* 6. Enter your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Consumer License ID and Key details.
* 7. Go online.
* 8. Set MBAM to update itself and its malware signature database.
* 9. When the update in Step 8 has completed, set MBAM to do a Threat Scan. This clears the Dashboard warning message - because the Cleaner tool also removes all logs, Registry entries, and other vestigial traces of MBAM, it gives a persistent warning message that it has never done a scan on that PC).
After the scan has completed, MBAM will typically tend to sit at around 0.25% CPU utilisation, which is normal.

The main flaw I find in MBAM now is if I right click a file or folder to scan it and get the Database is out of Date, it doesn't resume the job after I update.  Either that or I don't know how to get it to.  So I've taken to running it, click update if it needs it, close it, right click yadda yadda.  That kind of kills off the convenience factor.  :)
-MilesAhead (October 21, 2014, 11:06 AM)
--- End quote ---

I also had that problem at one point, but not any longer. It has "gone away". You will likely find that running the above FIX will restore MBAM to operating the way it should.

VERSION UPDATE to the Opening Post - 2015-02-03 (MBAM PRO/Premium is now v2.0.4.1028).


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