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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Malwarebytes FREE and PRO/Premium - Mini-Review.

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Due to this sluggish behaviour I removed KIS again. Used the safe boot way (in the past, when removing KIS I never used the safe boot mode, wasn't aware of it)
After uninstalling KIS (kavremove.exe) and rebooting in normal mode, all services were stopped, personal theme/settings were greyed out, no network, etc.etc.
Spent hours on trying to fix this, but ended up installing WIndows... (could not do a systemrestore, it was disabled, one way or the other)
Everybody will say this shouldn't be happening and that I am one out of millions and (of course) nobody heard about such issues before... 
But fact is, it did
I followed the exact steps as per Kaspersky's support website.

Installed NIS and MBAM and they work fine!

Malwarebytes FREE and PRO/Premium - Mini-Review.

UPDATE: 2014-07-03 - made notes in the review regarding:

* I today came across McAfee Stinger Portable | (a potential $FREE MBAM alternative which I have not trialled).
* I today noticed that the Vista Ultimate installation of MBAM updated itself:
 * from version series 1.x (PRO),
 * to the newer version series 2.x (Premium),
 - so I would guess that the version series 1.x might now be obsolete.


There is a new look for MBAM you may want to add?  Some functions are different as well.  Or gone... i.e. tabs, 3rd-party stuff, etc.

As of this posting you can scroll down and see some of the screens here:

Yes, please refer to the updated opening post and my update notes here Re: Malwarebytes FREE and PRO/Premium - Mini-Review..

Yes, please refer to the updated opening post and my update notes here Re: Malwarebytes FREE and PRO/Premium - Mini-Review..
-IainB (July 08, 2014, 12:47 AM)
--- End quote ---

I guess just a one-fourth screen-shot link is okay?  Is this the Authentic IainB?   ;D :)


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