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NANY 2013 Pledge: Brolands, a mod for Cortex Command

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The game Cortex Command is a sandbox side scrolling shooter with pixel physics. I have set out to create a random gun generator for this game akin to what is found in the game Borderlands.

This will be done through the games Lua scripting implementation and a lot of sprites (that I have been supplied with by the community). I am already pretty far along and I have the basic script down that handles randomization. But, I still need to implement it for all the weapon types found in Borderlands as well as scripting some different effects for different projectile types.

Here's a picture of the current prototype, which is able to generate little over 40.000 different combinations, not including the different firing sounds they have.

Neat :up:

Nice :Thmbsup:

Welcome to the game called N.A.N.Y. :D

Cool!  :Thmbsup:  And thanks for reminding me I had Cortex Command... need to try it!

Cool!  :Thmbsup:  And thanks for reminding me I had Cortex Command... need to try it!
-wraith808 (October 28, 2012, 03:52 AM)
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Hahaha...same here.   :D


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