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Neowin reviews Windows 8 - Leave your pre-conceived notions at the door
But that's just my opinion, and as to the OS itself, I reserve judgement until after I've tried it.
-wraith808 (October 24, 2012, 09:42 AM)
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Same here...I'll be getting the lumia 920 soon, so I'll have more to say later. I have high hopes...but then again, I always do. :(
I have had the chance to read industry type publications like Information Week (as opposed to consumer stuff like PC World) and I have kept some issues somewhere in a pile in my dusty closet. One of the things I remember in the years leading up to Vista was MS flirting with making a big change and I remember abandoning 'legacy' being mentioned in several articles. It never happened because there was a backlash, not a consumer one because this was before any public releases, but a developer and business one. Windows 8 seems to be at least a bit of a step in that direction. My point is change will encounter resistance, not to be pro or anti Windows 8, but to realize any change will meet resistance and I don't think DC would be any different in reacting to it.
The best I can suggest to anybody is they download the eval copy, install it on something, read a basic guide to using it (you'll need to btw), and try using it exclusively for a week or two.
I did. My opinion of Win8 didn't change very much for the positive.
But I was also glad that I do most of my personal work under Linux. And have for the last few years.
YMMV. :)
I think I can live with the touch UI, lack of Start button and all that - it may be even better than Win7 after one gets used to it. But the real show stopper is the Microsoft store, namely its closeness. Since I won't be able to create Metro/Modern UI app and distribute it without Microsoft's approval, I'll simply not even try to develop an app and jump through all the loops. And since Win8 makes me feel bad as a developer, it makes me feel bad as a user. I was actually considering buying Surface as my first tablet, but due to the Microsoft Store policy, I will not be getting one and I won't recommend it. You were so close, Microsoft...
That was the most informative Win8 review so far. Most of the new start screen stuff seems possible to skip so no problem there (why would anyone want such a thing where there is FARR? :) ).
I'm more worried about the Ribbonization of the GUI. Has that been shown possible to disable?
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