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NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)

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Hey there, it works fine so far :)

Only improvement I've been thinking of would be to have a longer variable history, perhaps with vertical scrolling.

Hey there, it works fine so far :)

Only improvement I've been thinking of would be to have a longer variable history, perhaps with vertical scrolling.
-ConstanceJill (November 14, 2024, 11:45 AM)
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Should be easy enough to do. Will work on it soon. :Thmbsup:

Just a status update to say that now that the holiday season is over...I will get it added in. Would you like it to be an option for different values or just 1 set value and if 1 set value what number are you thinking? :Thmbsup:

Hmm I had not really thought that deeply about it ; I suppose it's even better if the user can decide what to set it to.

Oh and, happy new year, by the way! :)

Hmm I had not really thought that deeply about it ; I suppose it's even better if the user can decide what to set it to.

Oh and, happy new year, by the way! :)
-ConstanceJill (January 04, 2025, 04:29 PM)
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Happy New Year!

I come bearing the news of the latest RC version with custom variable history should now be on the beta page.

NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP) :Thmbsup:


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