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NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)

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2 - in your screenshot, there is no grid or visible separation between the column headers: I'm not sure if that's related to Windows 10's theme or due to a change you made, but I must admit I'm not a fan of this :( … imho it's better to have a visible indicator of where you should move the mouse cursor if you want to resize the columns, like I circled on the attached screenshot.
-ConstanceJill (October 31, 2019, 02:44 AM)
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At the time of screenshots I was still working on that but at the time as well the columns resized to fit the contents somewhat. :) It should now be displaying the right side of the column.

From the screenshots only, I didn't figure about the "\n"s not being visible, but since they can't be seen, that wasn't obvious… and I don't think I quite like that either :(.
Since it is a dialog box intended for the user to review/change settings, and they are a part of those settings, I don't see much point in hiding them here. On the contrary, I suppose them not being visible might cause issues in figuring out exactly why a button is displaying as it is.
If you're editing the contents of a specific caption field, do the \n in that very field become visible then? If not, how do you make them visible, so you can know if there are any and where they are?
-ConstanceJill (October 31, 2019, 02:44 AM)
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All of the \n will still show up in the editing of the button.  I could probably make it an option to display the original caption or the easier to read caption in the list if you would like?

I'm interested in the "linebreak" feature. Does that make like a horizontal line splitting the space in the interface into different areas, or am I misinterpreting it? If that's what it does, is there a way for the user to add some sort of header/title caption to the different areas?
-ConstanceJill (October 31, 2019, 02:44 AM)
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I believe that should be in the current version and what that does is tells the next button after a linebreak to goto next line and any buttons will start from there but it still will not allow for a header/title as its mainly just something that the panel where the buttons go allow to set to do what I mentioned.  Use Linebreak for the button caption like you would use Separator for a separator.

All of the \n will still show up in the editing of the button.  I could probably make it an option to display the original caption or the easier to read caption in the list if you would like?-hamradio (October 31, 2019, 06:42 AM)
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Yes, please, that'd be nice :)

I believe that should be in the current version […]-hamradio (October 31, 2019, 06:42 AM)
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Indeed it is! I should have read tips.txt again.

Indeed it is! I should have read tips.txt again.
-ConstanceJill (October 31, 2019, 07:30 AM)
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No worries. I believe I have got a plan to make em more official anyway. (Separate from the add button caption all together.)

I also have a few other major things I have been able to do.  In turn people who have been using the program will need to do some action's on their own with this new version when I release it. I promise it will be worth it though. Don't click spoiler unless you want a little bit more info.

SpoilerLike create a directory within the program directory and move their button data file to it...

Custom Remote Administration Panel v2.0.0 build 1 - Public Beta

1. Redesigned layout editor.
NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)
2. Multi-layout support.
NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)
3. Support for reading of 32x32 icons from executable and dll files.
NANY 2013 Release: Customizable Remote Administration Panel (CRAP)
4. Can now link to other layout files from within a layout.
5. Separator and Linebreak split up from using the same dialog as a button.
6. Several optimizations to other parts of program.

Not just a bump but a bump with more information...

I have fixed a few things I have noticed and optimized the new exe/dll selector some more.  I have also decided to add a couple more macros for icons; which namely are the system directory and systemX64 directory (That could be useful for example if the system drive letter is on another drive letter than what you created the button on). :Thmbsup:

Also, has anyone tried the public beta and wouldn't mind sharing what they are thinking?


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