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SOLVED: In Windows Explorer, Select Files By File Extension

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-- Use Windows SEARCH, and put the wildcards, extension in there.
-nkormanik (October 17, 2012, 04:58 PM)
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Yes. Search on "*.exe" or whatever extension you are wanting to filter for.
Doing the same in Locate32 could probably give you a flexible selection approach as well.


Locate32 seems a great program.  It's the one I use for indexing everything I have on all internal drives, on external USB drives, and on my little network.  Not for content, though.  Just file names.

If anyone knows of a better basic indexing program I'd like to hear about it.

Also FreeCommander has a Filter edit line under each pane.  Say you have a mixed bunch of files in the folder and only want to rename the srt subtitle files.  Type *.srt in the filter.  Press Control-a to select them all, then F2 to get the built in renamer tool.

edit: to copy them to the opposite pane, press F5 or you can drag with the mouse. When dragging you can copy/move to tab etc..

Latest stable 32 bit version may be downloaded here


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