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NANY 2013: Please post requests!

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A project idea for someone; anyone! I'm not a coder, though I might get a batch file to work, maybe. Anyway, the idea:   how about a front end or package wrapper that would allow a user to take a program that doesn't normally start with Windows and wrap it in a shell that would allow a user to specify that the program should in fact run with windows.

For example, one of the DonationCoders made me a wonderful little program called DoubleClick, which converts the scroll wheel to a double left mouse click when pressed. I would like to convert or modify this program (as well as a few others I have) to start-up when Windows does, without having to remember to run each one separately. Any ideas or suggestions?
-BearPup7 (December 02, 2012, 01:42 PM)
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Basically, you want a tool that takes a list of programs and starts them up? I actually think that app's Lacuna Launcher will do the trick for you.

A project idea for someone; anyone! I'm not a coder, though I might get a batch file to work, maybe. Anyway, the idea:   how about a front end or package wrapper that would allow a user to take a program that doesn't normally start with Windows and wrap it in a shell that would allow a user to specify that the program should in fact run with windows.
-BearPup7 (December 02, 2012, 01:42 PM)
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Is it not still possibly to simply put a link to the program in the Start folder to have it start with Windows?

Not sure whether this would work at all, and maybe it's just a crazy idea, but it might be a useful little helper: What about a "second mouse pointer agent"?

* It allows to temporarily switch to a second mouse pointer on the screen, leaving the first (or main) mouse pointer where it is (and I think, it is important for the visual feedback to really have two mouse pointers rather than having one pointer hopping around; however, they need not be movable simutaneously, at least not for my purposes).
* The switch-over between the pointers can be triggered by a definable keyboard shortcut, maybe also a mouse key or a combination.
Ideally (and that was my original idea) it is also possible to connect a second mouse to the computer (thanks to USB, this shouldn't be a big deal any more), and this one would automatically be assigned to the second mouse pointer (or even a third, fourth... ;-).

* It can restrict/define the area where this second mouse pointer can be moved.
Purpose: I frequently have these mechanic actions where I need to repeatedly do a certain procedure, consisting of some mouse clicks, fill-ins etc. in one application and then clicking a button or field and maybe typing an ALT/CTRL key sequence in another application. It's not really that much of a deal (or in parts not consistent enough) that it would be worth struggling with a macro application. And actually, having a second mouse that would allow me to do the one click in the other application seems to be all I'd need to do it really efficiently without having to move forth and back and to target with the mouse all the time.

In the days of touch screens, this suggestion might appear somewhat outdated, because you would think you just do this "separate click" on the touch screen. But my experience at least on my Win7 desktop system is that I rarely use the touch functionality of my desktop monitor for various reasons, if I want to work efficiently. And using it then for this one click would again mean that I have to take my hands away from keyboard and mouse and to target at the right spot of the screen, which just makes the process slower and more laborious.

I've been wondering whether this functionality isn't available as a standard product or mouse driver feature already. But as far as I could see, two or more mouse pointers seem not to be supported up to now (except for special applications, where the second mouse pointer is available in that application only).

I have been looking for something in this or somewhat similar area.

What I've found so far is EitherMouse, though I haven't tried that yet.

Another angle might be to be able to save a stack of locations for the pointing device cursor and be able to switch among them easily, say via some hotkeys.

One use case I have in mind is for switching between applications on different displays.  Say there's a video being displayed on one display and an editor open on another -- if one is taking notes and navigating the video, moving the pointer can quickly become tiresome (at least for yours truly ;) ).

What I've found so far is EitherMouse, though I haven't tried that yet.-ewemoa (December 16, 2012, 08:01 AM)
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It works rather well, actually, and may satisfy jeme's request.   :Thmbsup:


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