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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Lifehacker - what, who, why, how?

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brotherS: has a nice interview video (3 minutes) for all of you who don't yet know Lifehacker.

:-* :-*

PS: Cat owners should pay special attention :D
PPS: Who here besides mouser and me visits their site at least weekly?

Visit every day  :-*

Read all articles about time management  :)

Fail to take on any of the advice :(

I visit several times a week. The recent AutoHotkey feature was something I'd been doing for that last couple of years. I should submit a hack on how to live like a bum and get away with it....
First, destroy your credit so that no one wants to steal your identity...

I visit several times a week. The recent AutoHotkey feature was something I'd been doing for that last couple of years.
-zridling (April 19, 2006, 02:46 AM)
--- End quote ---
Since you mentioned it:  :Thmbsup:

I love Lifehacker.  Read the feed whenever something new pops up, and visit several times a week!



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