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Stoic Joker:
Am I the only one here who believes in the cleansing goodness of a good curse filled rage-based primal scream?
-mouser (October 03, 2012, 09:41 PM)
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(I'm with ya!) Catharsis is a good thing. To many people these days try to internalize things (usually with medication...) instead of just letting go and getting it out of their system.

One time I was on such a loud tear that the neighbors come over to find out if someone was being murdered in my apartment.
I explained to them: "No, I'm a computer programmer."-mouser (October 03, 2012, 10:07 PM)
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Don't have neighbors that close...but I been there.


Respect for letting the guy vent. Although it would behoove him to return with a calmer tone  - (hint to OP) - so that an amicable resolution could be reached.

Stoic Joker:
Well, unless the person can shrug it off and address the real issue, which is rare-Renegade (October 04, 2012, 03:18 AM)
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It didn't used to be rare, back when people had spines. Now our society has become hypersensitive about anything that isn't sugarcoated.

A business conference I went to had an HR segment where the speaker stated that "the current generation of college graduates (were so PC that they) could not be criticised in the workplace ...(by the boss/even when flamingly dead wrong)... Because they would get upset and leave". What!?!

Am I the only one here who believes in the cleansing goodness of a good curse filled rage-based primal scream?
-mouser (October 03, 2012, 09:41 PM)
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(I'm with ya!) Catharsis is a good thing. To many people these days try to internalize things (usually with medication...) instead of just letting go and getting it out of their system.

-Stoic Joker (October 04, 2012, 06:43 AM)
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Agree. But only up to a point.

I'm personally getting a little fed up with all the cheap shots, digs, snide comments, swearing, posturing, ranting and screaming that seems to be the norm of late.

What is going on with people lately? There's a widespread refusal to deal with situations (any situation) in a mature and sane manner. In almost every place I been lately I'm running into people who cry on cue and/or fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. It's almost like there's a reward for acting like a cranky toddler rather than an adult. Antisocial is becoming the accepted new 'social.'

Back in the 60s, American humorist James Thurber commented on the trend in serious literary circles to be constantly speaking of - and praising - art that displayed "raw naked emotion." He concluded that he only hoped "clothed sensibility" would also somehow survive.

Doesn't much look like it did. :(

It didn't used to be rare, back when people had spines. Now our society has become hypersensitive about anything that isn't sugarcoated.
-Stoic Joker (October 04, 2012, 06:54 AM)
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It's not about sugar-coating.  It's a good dose of respect, and the realization that if you do it, and it's done back, then you shouldn't get bent about someone turning your own vitriol against you.

I'm personally getting a little fed up with all the cheap shots, digs, snide comments, swearing, posturing, ranting and screaming that seems to be the norm of late.
-40hz (October 04, 2012, 07:55 AM)
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This is exactly it.  There's criticism (and I'm not one of those people that believe that criticism can't be constructive), and then there's just useless ranting and vitriol.  People confuse the two, and the PC movement hasn't helped.

I personally prefer if someone is straight with me.  But if you come at me the wrong way, I'll either shut down and ignore what you're trying to say, or come back at you inappropriately (most times, the first... but... hey, I'm human).  There are only a few people that I will let actually vent at me.  It's a matter of respect, in my opinion, something that's vanishingly rare online these days.

What is going on with people lately? There's a widespread refusal to deal with situations (any situation) in a mature and sane manner. In almost every place I been lately I'm running into people who cry on cue and/or fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. It's almost like there's a reward for acting like a cranky toddler rather than an adult. Antisocial is becoming the accepted new 'social.'
-40hz (October 04, 2012, 07:55 AM)
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So much this.  I was in court recently, and it even works there.  Passive-Aggressive or Antisocial is the way to go these days, it seems.

Respect for letting the guy vent. Although it would behoove him to return with a calmer tone  - (hint to OP) - so that an amicable resolution could be reached.-Stoic Joker (October 04, 2012, 06:43 AM)
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Posts like that are usually done as a one-off thing, without the user ever returning. It's a bit sad, since sometimes (on DoCo: often) people actually try to alleviate whatever problems the OP was frustrated about.


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