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How to prevent browser tab clutter for Firefox and Chrome?

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what solutions do you know of to prevent browser tab clutter? Maybe I'm just too curious, but what frequently happens is that I look up something on the web and suddenly I have 3 more browser windows and a dozen new tabs open... not all of which I can (or want to) finish reading right away. What do do?

There *must* be a better way than the whole system becoming slow because you have 150 tabs open... :-D Is there something like a GTD approach, built into the browser? Like 'putting them to the side' ("maybe read later") if it's unlikely you'll read them soon, or "todo" if you plan to read them the next day, maybe with a browser extension?

Just saving the links in a .txt file is a solution I tried in the past, but that didn't work for me... way too much copy&pasting for my taste. I also tried to bookmark those pages, but what happened mostly was that I never came back to them...


Maybe the Session Manager plugin could help - someone tipped me off to it a while back for the same reasons. You can create sessions of any or all of the browser windows.

MilesAhead and I were also working on a SaveSession feature in his Browser Bunch, where it exports the bunch of tab urls and titles into lists, so then you can save those in your notes, so you can pick the 5 pages out of the 100 you want to look at, and just load them copy and paste.

Of course you can mash up both parts. I discovered that you can then take Miles' lists, smash them into a spreadsheet auto-link-maker, triple-export it and maybe upload it to your favorite free web host and then you have a permanent "cloud list" of the links, at which point you just click-newtab them back as you like.

There's Pocket (previously ReadItLater) and Instapaper.

Pocket has a Firefox plugin that lets you add tags to bookmarks.

Tab groups in firefox - Ctrl+Shift+E.

There's Pocket (previously ReadItLater) and Instapaper.
Pocket has a Firefox plugin that lets you add tags to bookmarks.
-nosh (October 03, 2012, 03:47 AM)
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+1 for Pocket (ex Read It Later). It's always stable and works in Google Reader too.
I didn't know about the Pocket Bookmark tag plugin(?) - I thought the standard bookmark already had good tagging features. That's the one that gives a little 5-pointed star icon in the address line. Click it once to bookmark, and again to edit the bookmark or add your Tag(s).

Tab groups in firefox - Ctrl+Shift+E.
-f0dder (October 03, 2012, 07:04 AM)
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I have used that but it inexplicably seems to get wiped of the tabs in the groups, so I can't rely on it.


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