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Path too long utilities supere barrier

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@MilesAhead -
yes !
I know ...
a verrry late reaction indeed.

I just discovered this thread and your modified TLPD...

Just wanted to say thanks!    :Thmbsup:


@MilesAhead -
yes !
I know ...
a verrry late reaction indeed.

I just discovered this thread and your modified TLPD...

Just wanted to say thanks!    :Thmbsup:


-dcwul62 (August 26, 2013, 05:39 AM)
--- End quote ---

You are most welcome.  Glad it's useful to you.  :)

Just a tip, the link to your site on your personal info is not working.  does not exist, could not be found. Maybe it is down.
Of course that also counts for the link on

Meanwhile, did you consider to create complete path too long tool yourself?
the TLPD gets me a text results only, so I have to check that out and go into the various subfolders, which is a lot of work.

A new tool would show the results above userprovided threashold in a GUI, allowing the users to jump to that folder and shorten the names of the folder and files, etc.

I am using Opus and can do a 'find *.*'  action with advanced option: pathlength more than nnn characters.
From the results I can go to the parent folder, I can do renames, etc.

However,  for non-Opus users, frankly, there is not much around on Internet.

Maybe it is worthwhile to create a similar tool?
Just a suggestion.



Thanks for the reminder. I've removed my old web site from my profile.  Currently I cannot do any programming whatever as all I have to use are public library computers.  These things don't let you right click the mouse, never mind use a different browser or download, install and use programming tools.

I'm dead in the water until such time as I can get a machine.  Since I'm currently homeless and have to carry everything I own on my back, I'm looking for a used lightweight laptop I guess. I have no experience with them, but from what others tell me, it's the only feasible platform for software development in my current situation.

As for my program links, I am working with Mouser to create a mirror for downloads.  When that is complete I will supply the links to Softpedia and update any listings they do not have.  As it stands, anything I have on Softpedia they have been kind enough to store and provide downloads via their own links. If you find links that say external mirror that are dead, they will remove them if notified. I see no point in notifying them myself because I'll just be duplicating work as when I have live mirror links I'll be notifying them for each software utility.

Of course the correct approach for dealing with too long path names would be to fix Explorer.  But there's so much legacy code in it I doubt it will ever happen.  There may not be any developers left at MS who remember how the code works to even attempt it.


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