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Automatically move files around tip (use your synchronizer program)

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And, 40hz, I note that ptubes has quite a low memory footprint when idle:

Just want to add Hygeia to the list of alternatives, it comes in two flavors and the "free for personal use" version is quite powerful. It lets you reuse actions, so you don't have to set everything up from scratch if you start monitoring a new batch of files. It has some other interesting features too, definitely deserves to be checked out.  :up:

Belvedere seems like something that was coded in a rush (and that's putting it politely). It has always plagued me with crashes, even when setting up the simplest of profiles.

Just want to add Hygeia to the list of alternatives, it comes in two flavors and the "free for personal use" version is quite powerful. It lets you reuse actions, so you don't have to set everything up from scratch if you start monitoring a new batch of files. It has some other interesting features too, definitely deserves to be checked out.  :up:

Belvedere seems like something that was coded in a rush (and that's putting it politely). It has always plagued me with crashes, even when setting up the simplest of profiles.
-nosh (September 24, 2012, 11:03 AM)
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Thanks!  Very helpful, I'll check it out.  If it works well, I'll gladly pay the $15.
I haven't tried belvedere yet, but I'm glad there's an alternative if it is indeed that buggy.


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