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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Directory Opus 10 ... Light!

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I can get a copy of Windows and Office for cheaper than the cost of one license of DOpus.
-Josh (September 24, 2012, 09:00 AM)
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we cant ;-)

but I still kind of agree with you.

DOpus is overpriced.  The problem is that no other program offers what it can do, so it's not like there's an alternative.  I tried mashing together a suite to replace it using freeware or cheaper stuff, but it took too many programs to accomplish it and became a headache.

I also take advantage of the portable license so I can use it on multiple computers and retain my settings.  You can save multiple profiles (layouts) per computer.

xyplorer is a good cheaper alternative.  and 40hz turned me on to Q-Dir a few weeks ago, which is VERY interesting and handy (and free).  If you're not committed to a file manager yet and are looking for free ones, start with Q-Dir.


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