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Happy birthday Carol H.

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Happy b-day 8)

2 minutes to midnight is better than 1. And it's British  :-*

Happy Birthday, Carol.  Thanks for all the work and input on this site.  Much appreciated.


Carol Haynes:
Thanks all, much appreciated.

Surprised no one wants Belgium though - think of all the chocolate and chips ...

(but I suppose Peter Mandelson* might be off putting).

* Political comment - don't read if you are sensitiveFor those who don't know he is a crony of Tony Blair. He was sacked for being corrupt umpteen times from the Bristish Cabinet but TB kept bringing him back after he thought everone had forgotten. After the final debacle he offered PM the ultimate insult (ha ha) an unelected gravy train for as long as he wants as a European Commissioner.

Happy Belated Birthday Carol...Although quete belated :-[ at least I'll be the first for next year!...


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