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What went wrong with Linux on the Desktop

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If anyone has kept up with current trends in development, you know that the "open web" is a complete joke.

Companies are carving out terrortory (no typo) to move applications to HTML/CSS/JavaScript and into walled gardens. They are offering SDKs and APIs that lock developers into their own ecosystem (financial servitude). HTML5 is not going to make the web free - it is going to be used as a tool to lock in developers and users.

For the most obvious examples, look at mobile development. A large number of applications are nothing more than web pages. This is particularly evident in games.

Meh... Lemmings. Cliff. Sick producers. The conclusion is pretty obvious.

The point about linux or open source is not to replace the mainstream brands but to offer people the same experience without them having to cut leg and arm for it.
-mahesh2k (August 31, 2012, 10:11 AM)
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+1. Something most people (including some notables in the Linux community) miss: Linux is not about "winning" or "dominating." It's about providing the user a better alternative than just saying: "none of the above."

The point about linux or open source is not to replace the mainstream brands but to offer people the same experience without them having to cut leg and arm for it.
-mahesh2k (August 31, 2012, 10:11 AM)
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Something most people (including some notables in the Linux community) miss: Linux is not about "winning" or "dominating." It's about providing the user a better alternative than just saying: "none of the above."
-40hz (August 31, 2012, 10:23 AM)
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Reminds me of Yoda - "No. There is another..." :D

The point about linux or open source is not to replace the mainstream brands but to offer people the same experience without them having to cut leg and arm for it.
-mahesh2k (August 31, 2012, 10:11 AM)
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Something most people (including some notables in the Linux community) miss: Linux is not about "winning" or "dominating." It's about providing the user a better alternative than just saying: "none of the above."
-40hz (August 31, 2012, 10:23 AM)
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Reminds me of Yoda - "No. There is another..." :D

-Renegade (August 31, 2012, 10:24 AM)
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Yeah. Too bad for Luke that svelte little hottie in the equation turned out to be his sister huh?  ;D

So just use a Non-Ubuntu distro.
-TaoPhoenix (August 31, 2012, 08:47 AM)
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Most notable distributors are similar.


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