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Firefox 15 less of a memory hog

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Firefox 15 less of a memory hog.  Speed-dial got hosed. But I didn't like it much on FF anyway.  LastPass I had to update to 2.02 to get it going again.  At least now it uses a lot less memory than Chromium. :)

edit: hmm, mistake updating LastPass. Messed up Opera so it wouldn't even load. Had to do restore point. Turns out I don't see any big memory savings anyway. Back to 14.01 for me.

My personal conclusion is flash is the guiltiest, not the only one, but guiltiest. I am running a portable firefox with flashblock and there is a difference with another running parallel to it without flashblock.

As in my edit above. I had to go back. I have to stay with LastPass compatible across chromium,ff, and opera or it gets all screwy. :)

My personal conclusion is flash is the guiltiest, not the only one, but guiltiest. I am running a portable firefox with flashblock and there is a difference with another running parallel to it without flashblock.
-rgdot (August 29, 2012, 11:11 PM)
--- End quote ---

As of FF14 you don't need flashblock. FF now includes the functionality of flashblock. See this link.

It doesn't have the whitelisting function yet, but one less add-on, one less memory hole I believe.

There I was thinking I am keeping up with firefox changes  :-\

Thanks eleman :)


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