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I want a Freeware Utility to ... 300+ common problems solved.

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Whoa, 3 days later, and 50% more problems solved! (up to 450+)

Excellent list and presentation makes it easy to identify exactly where U need to look.

Keep up the good work.



I noticed a couple of Mouser's Robot programs from this site on that list!

Seems this list is making the rounds again lately, and it's now up to 450!

I may be the only person around that doesn't like his list.  The reason is he offers way too many options for each 'I want a' and you are basically down to a search engine and doing all the reasearch on your own.  You would be better off visiting somewhere like Snapfiles Freeware or Fileforum and reading many users reviews.

I always thought it would be much better, and thus useful, if he offered one option for each that is a highly recommend, well reviewed and solid application that answers the 'I want a' question.  This way the person is learning to trust his reviews and not just seeing a regurgitated freeware list in a different format.

That's my .02


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