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IDEA: Generic saving reminder

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SavĂ­ng reminder request

Hello, some time ago, an ahk forum member kindly wrote an AHK script for me
that would autosave message drafts in windows live mail. sadly, for some odd
reason it wouldn't work and would send typed letters into the draft quite often.
The script was also fairly complicated. (I am once again thanking the author for
their efforts tough!!) Today my system froze (win 7, usually stable) and I once
more lost a draft. So I decided this is a problem that needs solving, and probably
applies to many more programs other than WLM.

My idea is as follows: a script that will do this:

- at certain times, ideally every 15 minutes, i.e. 24h/d starting 00:00, 00:15, ... 23:45
it will simply pop up a save reminder popup box window (ideally with an OK button) if,
only if, at least one ATH_Note windows is currenly open.

bonus features would be:
- don't show another reminder box if one reminder box is already in display.
- show the total amount of currently opened ATH_Notes in the message
- option: choose key that will close the message (to prevent closure whilst
  typing space, which one obviously will be typing fairly often).
- experimental option: closing the message box will automatically
  send ctrl-S to all opened ATH_Note windows.
- you may want to check out above mentioned sophisticated yet partially problematic
  autosave script at:

...thanks to all who consider this idea's, uhm, implementation... !!!!  :-*

Are you still interested in this?
What program you referring to? I can't find ATH_Notes. Do you mean ATnotes?

hello, ATH_Notes is the name of WLM's e-mail composure windows!

Thanks for asking. :)

I installed WLM and the new mail window says New Message. I installed Windows Live Mail Version 2009. Is that what you have?


Window Class = ATH_Note
Window Caption is irrelevant
WLM version in use is 2009

All of that is not really important, since the script should work generically for any Window Class, by simply subsitituting the Window Class name. No need to install WLM.



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