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Apple v Samsung Verdict is in
While I was scratching my head it occurred to me to patent that gesture. Had I done so earlier I'd have reaped a handsome reward, just from those baffled by these patent wars.
-cranioscopical (August 25, 2012, 02:46 PM)
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"The united association of adult entertainment wishes to inform you that "scratching a body part" has prior art. Scratching your head is not considered sufficiently innovative and should be viewed as a prohibited derivative action". Or something!
However, the resulting diagrams are Not Safe For DC.
Lets see: you got an American business + Amercan law being abused to stifle competition and "protect" (largely non-existent) American jobs + election year nationalism playing in the background + California court and jury versus an 'evil' and 'thieving' South Korean company who is arguing for rationality and fairness, and maybe just a touch of sanity? Hmm...tricky...
Did anybody seriously expect any different an outcome? :-\
Oh well. It ain't over yet folks! That was just the opening act.
-40hz (August 25, 2012, 06:08 AM)
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It's all happening now, isn't it? My hope is that these are just the part of the growing pains of a transition into a freer and nicer society. The information/computer age seems to have matured and we are now dealing with what that means for us.
Optimism: a world with free access to education and information and implementation of your good ideas.
Pessimism: a world where we spend all our lives looking for the next stupid thing to copyright to make enough money where life is enjoyable.
Pessimism: a world where we spend all our lives looking over our shoulders in case we may have infringed some obscure, never used, BS patent owned by some troll company.-superboyac (August 25, 2012, 11:25 PM)
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Fixed it.
-Renegade (August 25, 2012, 09:51 AM)
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Where's your point?
While I was scratching my head it occurred to me to patent that gesture. Had I done so earlier I'd have reaped a handsome reward, just from those baffled by these patent wars.
-cranioscopical (August 25, 2012, 02:46 PM)
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My point? Well, my point there is always at the center of things, though I invariably end up going round and round and never get to it. :D
Meanwhile, at Starbucks:
I'm writing this post after the FOURTH group of Starbucks patrons have made the connection that Samsung is now the same as Apple. They don't know the details, they don't really care, what they know is Apple is saying that Samsung is the same as Apple ... and with one simple Google Search, you get prices that are basically half for what seems to be the same products -- for nearly everything.
Two of these groups (including the husband/wife) asked me about my Samsung laptop, the second group noticed my Galaxy phone (also by Samsung)... Best billion dollar ad-campaign Samsung ever had.
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