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Apple v Samsung Verdict is in

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[Now I'm wondering if I patent rounded corners on a triangle... :P
-Renegade (August 25, 2012, 09:04 AM)
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Go for it! (I'd do it now while there's still time.) ;D

[Now I'm wondering if I patent rounded corners on a triangle... :P
-Renegade (August 25, 2012, 09:04 AM)
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Go for it! (I'd do it now while there's still time.) ;D
-40hz (August 25, 2012, 09:22 AM)
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Hmmm... I was just thinking...

If the payout is based on the number of radians in the roundings of the vertices/corners, then it doesn't matter what I patent as long as it's not Apple's rectangle.

HOWEVER!!! If the payout is based on the number of sides of the polygon that has rounded vertices/corners, then I'm much better off going with a pentagon, or even a dodecagon, or even more! Heck...


An INFINITE number of sides! I will patent the CIRCLE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS~! ;D :P


That Korean verdict is just nutty...
-Renegade (August 25, 2012, 09:04 AM)
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I thought, or rather I think, in fact I'm sure that it was a jury in California that awarded $1 bn+ to Apple - must have been so easy for them to remain neutral and objective.

-Renegade (August 25, 2012, 09:51 AM)
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Where's your point?

While I was scratching my head it occurred to me to patent that gesture. Had I done so earlier I'd have reaped a handsome reward, just from those baffled by these patent wars.

I recommend a look at this, from the notable pj of Groklaw:

Jury in Apple v. Samsung Goofed, Damages Reduced -- Uh Oh. What's Wrong With this Picture?

Come on. This is farce.
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This has to be the best summary for the current situation!  ;D


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