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Importing and Exporting Configs for Manipulation


I hope this has not been discussed but I did not find much in my searching...

Is there a way to export and import LBC configs to a file (xml, txt, csv) for the purposes of making sweeping changes or creating LBC configs quickly, or even backing up a config?

My situation: I have rather large LBC config, lots of menus and items. I want to make this portable, or less prone to breakage when my drive letters change or I move things. Everything I have defined points to a D drive. I want to switch to %APPDRIVE%. I was hoping to export to an XML file, or something, that I can do a search and replace. Then I could import into a blank toolbar and have my current config but now everything is changed. Just looking for a way to make sweeping changes without having to do lots of work.
Or maybe a option that tells LBC, if the option is enabled, to use the variable %APPDRIVE% instead of the drive letter if LBC detects that the added app is on the same drive as LBC or something.

This is something I've been meaning to add for a while now.. Export to and Import from XML files.. It's on my todo list.

Lolipop Jones:
Export to and Import from XML files

As someone who tries to maintain LBC on four different computers which have almost, but not quite, the same software installed on each, I would like to chime in here with a hearty "can hardly wait".   

A +1 from me for something like this. LBC is a massively useful way to keep track of my portable apps but when I set it up, I cleverly dragged and dropped and ordered and tweaked but never thought to replace the drive reference to %APPDRIVE%.

My main install of LBC on my portable hard disk has 286 nodes.  :o

Some of them are separators.  :)

Just not very many.  ;D

So I force my portable HD to be G: everywhere I use it. But I tell myself off every time I do it. :)


And I've just realised, when I edit a node that only has a local reference to an icon (because it's a menu, say) changing the drive reference to %APPDRIVE% doesn't result in the "save changes" button becoming available unless some other change (to the comment, say) is made.

And I've just realised, when I edit a node that only has a local reference to an icon (because it's a menu, say) changing the drive reference to %APPDRIVE% doesn't result in the "save changes" button becoming available unless some other change (to the comment, say) is made.
--- End quote ---

this part will be fixed in next release.


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