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Ritlabs "support" gem


Ok.. found this gem on Ritlabs page:
... issues related to them are no longer examined by our technical support service.

I about spewed my drink all over my desk.  ;D

Granted that that text was in their archive page, but in reality, I am not sure if they ever "examined" support issues. I have been following the company's support jerk circle escapades (in a variety of formats) for years. I wonder if there is a language barrier or something similar?

Would it kill them to be polite and courteous or is it a cultural thing?

Disclaimer: Personally I have not had any *major* issues with the program and I have been using it since v2 (currently on v5.1). The couple times I have had to use their support for a few minor issues, was rather frustrating. No response was the norm and vaguely recall a rude one liner. Usually a major version fixes most of the issues.

When one of the major new features in a new version of The Bat! was skinning and movable toolbars, I moved to Thunderbird... and haven't looked back since.

When one of the major new features in a new version of The Bat! was skinning and movable toolbars, I moved to Thunderbird... and haven't looked back since.
-f0dder (August 22, 2012, 04:26 AM)
--- End quote ---

Just as long as they stay away from the ribbon interface...

Don't say that. They might read it and make the wrong decisions.

I note The Bat Pro is on BDJ today, with a 50% discount.

It's sad, really: it's a really decent, capable, configurable email client that I've loved for years -- until it (or rather, Voyager) ate my email archives, proved immediately afterwards that its backups weren't anything of the sort, and immediately after that their support wasn't worthy of the name. I went to Thunderbird too.

I still miss The Bat -- but not enough that I'm prepared to trust it with valuable data again.


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