Software > Clipboard Help+Spell
sql statements help?
I am trying to create a virtual folder that would contain all the merged clips. I found that virtual folders can be programmed using sql statements. SQL statements are mentioned in the help file but not explained. Where can I get the detailed explanation of those sql statements?
Hi Rashid, welcome to the site, and welcome to an advanced feature that not many people use.
And your question is a great one -- it's a perfect case where a virtual group might be useful.
These threads might be the best place to start in general about virtual groups and sql:
And I really need to post a list of field clip variable names you have access to.
But for your specific question, here's an answer:
When you merge clips, CHS names the new clip with a title like "Merged clips (4)".
So we create a new group like so:
The key is the sql:
--- Code: Text ---(Title LIKE '%Merged clips%')
Actually it would be a little more efficient to make the sql:
--- Code: Text ---(Title LIKE 'Merged clips%')
Because we know the clip title will START with the word "Merged" so we dont need the wildcard % at the front.
And I really need to post a list of field clip variable names you have access to.
-mouser (August 02, 2012, 08:50 PM)
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^ Yes, please!
Huge amount of thanks mouser!
Your query did the job and thus has now made me hungry for learning/understanding the programmability (is this the right word) of the virtual folders. So after the reply I am going to visit the the two links you have, so kindly, provided. Are there other places (in CHS) where we can use them (SQL and variables) as well?
I see I actually do provide a list of fields in the Advanced Features->Virtual Folders page of help, which in online here:
Fields available for sql statements:
• Index
• UserKeywords
• ClipType
• ParentId
• ParentGroup
• OtherGroups
• Application
• Title
• Description
• ImageIndex
• ExcerptText
• ClipText
• CreationDateTime
• ModificationDateTime
• ViewDateTime
• MarkDateTime
• DueDateTime
• IsFavorite
• UserFlag
• UserCheckbox
• UserRating
• Protected
Are there other places (in CHS) where we can use them (SQL and variables) as well?
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Nope, but I'm open to suggestions.
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