News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
MLB/Mouseless Browsing FF extension - MUST-HAVE for every keyboard user!
Anyone heard of a Virtual keyboard? This is where an Infro-red light shines a Virtual keyboard on any surface...
-Baseman (April 15, 2006, 10:22 AM)
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What about asking that question in the "what kind of keyboard you use?" thread? :-[;search=keyboard
So... mouser, nudone, Carol, (anyone else?) - how do you like using MLB on a daily basis? :)
i'm too much of a mouse addict to use it but it looks damn cool.
Carol Haynes:
ditto - I have checked the option to only make the links appear on request.
I do find I use it a bit but most of the time I am still mousing around ;)
er, i'm still using maxthon at the moment.
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