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Help me design my next Tattoo!

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-fenixproductions (July 07, 2012, 05:06 PM)
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You win the "WRONG" award hands down...  :'(

rgdot - is that Homer screaming to get out or eating his way through?  ;D

Stoic Joker:
imagine having ones testicle tattooed...would hurt...quite badly lol...Might try it one day...not anytime soon though rofl-Stephen66515 (July 07, 2012, 06:56 PM)
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Well - I've got about 20 tattoos - if you really want to know...

NSFWI have a happy face tattooed on the head of my dick.

Not everything needs to be decorated. :)

@Stoic - my GF said that there are far too many people with a high pain threshold and altogether too much time on their hands walking around out there.  :P

P.S. I guy I knew in a band up in Boston got you beat on that one. He had the "whole works" tattooed as a king cobra about to strike. Heard it from his ultra-übergoth "old lady." She was proud of him for doing it. (I declined her offer to have him "prove it" or look at their snapshots.) :-[

rgdot - is that Homer screaming to get out or eating his way through?  ;D
-x16wda (July 08, 2012, 07:49 AM)
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Get out, I think  :D


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