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DONE: Are any of the files missing???

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Really useful additional tools, rjbull.  Thanks for following up.

Would be a plus for the program to give some idea it's still chugging along, especially on large comparison jobs.  In present test the progress bar has already gone from left to right, but job appears incomplete.  I'll keep letting it run for... a week.

If job completes successfully, will a text file list of the one-only files appear in the TIOOO directory?-nkormanik (June 26, 2012, 11:59 AM)
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It outputs a text file to your system temp directory, (currently WTFlist.txt because I forgot to change the output filename :) ).

Okay, list popped up in my default editor.  Worked like a charm!
--- End quote ---

So that was about an hour for how many files in total, (folder 1 + 2) ?

Maybe I can speed it up.  BTW, any chance you can ZeroZip the two folders and make them available for testing with?

However, it now occurs to me that in your case, another Unix utility might be better, comm, e.g. the one contained in GNU utilities for Win32:
Compare sorted files LEFT_FILE and RIGHT_FILE line by line.

  -1              suppress lines unique to left file
  -2              suppress lines unique to right file
  -3              suppress lines unique to both files
      --help      display this help and exit
      --version   output version information and exit
-rjbull (June 26, 2012, 03:19 PM)
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I think that's the opposite of what we're trying to do - we want to suppress lines that are common to both files.

However, the File Intersection program looks pretty well spot on.  :Thmbsup:

However, it now occurs to me that in your case, another Unix utility might be better, comm, e.g. the one contained in GNU utilities for Win32:
Compare sorted files LEFT_FILE and RIGHT_FILE line by line.

  -1              suppress lines unique to left file
  -2              suppress lines unique to right file
  -3              suppress lines unique to both files
      --help      display this help and exit
      --version   output version information and exit
-rjbull (June 26, 2012, 03:19 PM)
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I think that's the opposite of what we're trying to do - we want to suppress lines that are common to both files.-4wd (June 26, 2012, 07:48 PM)
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It does do what I think you want, but as ever with GNU/FSF, is inscrutable.  Don't overlook that you can combine arguments.  Consider two files:

1.txt        2.txt   
-----        -----   
Ash          Ash     
Holly        Beech   
Oak          Holly   
Rowan        Rowan   
Whitebeam    Whitebeam

c:\Zdir>c:\dos\Utils\comm.exe -3 1.txt 2.txt
(when there are two output streams, they are normally separated by a tab)
Combining two arguments:

c:\Zdir>c:\dos\Utils\comm.exe -13 1.txt 2.txt

Just don't combine all of arguments 1, 2 and 3, or you won't learn much  :)
However, the File Intersection program looks pretty well spot on.  :Thmbsup:-4wd (June 26, 2012, 07:48 PM)
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It's good, but as I recall it, insists on writing all three files each time.  That means that in batch processes, you have to remember to delete the unwanted as well as wanted ones afterwards.  But, it seems more intuitive than comm.


Oh yeah, TIOOO = There Is Only One Of   :)

-4wd (June 26, 2012, 06:22 AM)
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Are we going to forgo the chance to call it TCBOO aka Highlander's There Can Be Only One?

It does do what I think you want, but as ever with GNU/FSF, is inscrutable.  Don't overlook that you can combine arguments.  Consider two files:

1.txt        2.txt    
-----        -----    
Ash          Ash      
Holly        Beech    
Oak          Holly    
Rowan        Rowan    
Whitebeam    Whitebeam

c:\Zdir>c:\dos\Utils\comm.exe -3 1.txt 2.txt
-rjbull (June 27, 2012, 04:16 PM)
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Oh that is surely inscrutable, pretty much goes against my knowledge of the word suppress, ie. suppress = remove;hide;subdue       ;D

However, the File Intersection program looks pretty well spot on.  :Thmbsup:-4wd (June 26, 2012, 07:48 PM)
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It's good, but as I recall it, insists on writing all three files each time.  That means that in batch processes, you have to remember to delete the unwanted as well as wanted ones afterwards.  But, it seems more intuitive than comm.
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But at least you would be able to associate an output file with an input list which would get you the path, (well, at least the initial folder path pertaining to each list).

I have an idea on how to get path output with filename but it involves modifying the sub-routine that returns the file list, (someone else's), into outputting a two dimensional array rather than one.
Speeding up the processing, I've realised, is easy (read: I'm stupid), but still wouldn't be as fast as the CLI C based alternatives I'd say.

Are we going to forgo the chance to call it TCBOO aka Highlander's There Can Be Only One? -TaoPhoenix (June 27, 2012, 05:05 PM)
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I did think of that but I didn't want to sully the name of a semi-decent movie  ;D

In present test the progress bar has already gone from left to right, but job appears incomplete.-nkormanik (June 26, 2012, 11:59 AM)
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Mea culpa....I didn't realise the progressbar is virtually useless with large numbers so I've removed it and just added a statusbar that spits out the numbers as it progresses.

Also made each folder individually recurseable, (Am?), and will add a button to stop the process, (or change the Go button to Stop).

Update :up: thatta way


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