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DONE: Batch adjust shortcut targets

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Good to go on this thread as well.  Two great solutions for modifying shortcuts.


Albeit hard to find, there already is a GUI tool that can alter shortcuts: Shortcuts Search And Replace

It has served me well on numerous occasions!


Goodness!  Then three to choose from.  Hope this thread comes up in Google searches for those desiring this functionality.

Albeit hard to find, there already is a GUI tool that can alter shortcuts: Shortcuts Search And Replace-lujomu (June 25, 2012, 04:46 PM)
--- End quote ---

I don't think that can change the actual target, just the target path, (and other bits).


4wd, as usual, I'm a bit confused....

From the Properties window for a particular shortcut, below is the present target:


I want to change the above target to:


The name of the shortcut is:

20101 20102[.lnk]

The present location of the shortcut is:

C:\5\QQQ\shortcuts 1_x_178\50501\20101\

What would the RegEx entries in BSM be to accomplish this?

(There will be thousands of such changes....)

Thanks much.


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