Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Batch adjust shortcut targets
Wow. Pure magic.
Thanks for sticking with it.
Hope others find and use your programs.
4wd, I hope you steel here 2 years later :D
I'm trying to use BSM but I keep recieving this msg: Line 9834 - Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.
I'm using BSM 0.5.
What I need is:
My shortchuts are in this folder: C:\Users\Rodotec2\Documents and I want to change the path and name of then monthly, so in September I'll have a path like this:
D:\RODOTECPAV\NF - Rod\09 2014\NF PDF but in October i need to change it for D:\RODOTECPAV\NF - Rod\10 2014\NF PDF
And the name are: PDF 09.2014 RODOTEC and I need to change it for PDF 10.2014 RODOTEC
Can you please help here?
Thank you for your work, i'm prety sure your BSM can solve my problem.
Omg, I just set the "Recurse" checkbox.... and now works PERFECTLY.... I don't know if someone is seeing this still, but BSM works great!
Omg, I just set the "Recurse" checkbox.... and now works PERFECTLY.... I don't know if someone is seeing this still, but BSM works great!-weberxw (September 26, 2014, 04:42 PM)
--- End quote ---
I'm still here, so does that mean it's working OK for you now?
The error you got previously seems to indicate a problem, I'll have a look at it in a few weeks when I'm back in-country, (OS ATM).
Yes, work in part.
I was able to change the path, this works fine.
But I couldn't change the name using the same search parameters..
For example:
I change the path from D:\RODOTECPAV\NF - Rod\09 2014\PDF\ to D:\RODOTECPAV\NF - Rod\10 2014\PDF\
Using the parameter 09 (old path) 10 (new path)... this works nice and prety simple
But I tried to change the name using the same parameters and nothing changes...
My shortuct names are like PDF 09.2014 Rodotec
Am I doing something wrong?
The parameters to change the name are diferent?
Thanks again, happy to see you here yet hehe
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