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DropBox to drop support for Public folder (no more direct links)

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That is a bit of a shame, I found those quite useful.

existing users keep Public folders. It seems they are trying to stop direct linking to files.

This is really bad for me. Will have to find reliable alternative file hosting for the files linked to on some of my blogs.

This is really bad for me. Will have to find reliable alternative file hosting for the files linked to on some of my blogs.
-app103 (June 15, 2012, 11:40 AM)
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At least for now, it only affects new users as far as I can tell (but usually stuff like this ends up covering everybody).

In the thread and on HN, people have posted some hacks to avoid the download page the new share links send you to (like changing "www" to "dl" or adding "?dl=1" to the url). They may work in some cases, but still it's no longer direct links to the actual file. I can understand that they would want to discontinue this feature, I just think it's sad.

Btw, I loved this comment over on HN:

It drives recipients to the Dropbox website.
Eg, right now I can put an image file in my /public, get the link and embed it in an img src tag without the anyone else ever having to know it's on Dropbox.
This way, I can't do that. I can make a clickable link and paste that. Then people have to click to see the picture on the Dropbox website.
Where Dropbox can constructively engage them in a dynamic exciting conversation.
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Last sentence is made of win ;D.

Where Dropbox can constructively engage them in dynamic exciting ad blocking.
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